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How To Select Stainless Steel Cable Tie?
UPDATE:2021-12-02 15:58:32  HITS:876
Ⅰ. Selection methods of stainless steel cable tie
1. First of all, confirm the working condition of the stainless steel cable tie to bind the object, whether it is a corrosive environment or an ordinary natural environment, and select a certain material.

2. Confirm the requirements of the objects tied by the stainless steel cable tie, whether it requires very tightness, or just ordinary tightening, and determine different styles of cable ties, such as: roll stainless steel cable ties, plastic-coated stainless steel cable ties, format stainless steel cable tie, bead type and coated stainless steel cable ties.

3. To determine the brand of stainless steel cable ties, you must first choose the best cost-effective brand, not the more expensive the better, nor the cheaper the better. The expensive quality may be guaranteed, but there is also the possibility of more moisture. The raw materials (eg. the zip tie sticky back) of some cable ties are cheaper than the products. Obviously, the manufacturer may cut corners. 

Ⅱ. How to use stainless steel cable ties?
1. Place the stainless steel cable tie in the opening groove of the knife-edge and the rotating shaft.

2. Turn the gear handle back and forth to tighten the stainless steel cable tie.

3. Push the handle forward, pull down the knife handle, cut off the packing belt, lock the buckle, and remove the tool.

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